The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment has helped millions of people worldwide gain insights about themselves and how they interact with others – and improve how they communicate, learn, and work. It provides a powerful framework for building better relationships, driving positive change, harnessing innovation, and achieving excellence. The MBTI assessment makes Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type both understandable and highly practical by helping individuals identify their preferences in four areas.
I was introduced to the MBTI® during my studies, and was accredited as an MBTI® user in 2004. I then became an internationally accredited MBTI® trainer for over a decade, training other psychologists and health professionals on its use. Since then, MBTI® has become part of my DNA (I’m an in-preference ENFJ) and I have seen, many times, how the MBTI® can make a real difference in people’s lives, their relationships, their team work and more. I use the MBTI® as appropriate in my services, and specifically enjoy using it in a team context, running half-day or one-day workshops on any of the following:
- Team development—helps ease communication among team members, identify team strengths and weaknesses, and create action plans for improved performance.
- Leadership development—deepens leaders’ understanding of their personality type and the types of those they are leading to help them manage better, give more meaningful feedback, and improve individual and team performance.
- Conflict management—improves skills in identifying sources of conflict and intervening early to prevent underperformance, disruption, and disengagement.
- Stress management—builds resilience, increases productivity, and offers strategies for identifying and managing stress triggers.
- Career transition and planning—helps guide individuals on career choice, development, and management.
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