Thrive through change


4 February 2017

Choosing your set of subjects in Grade 9 is probably one of the first and most exciting decisions you’ll make to shape your future.  It may seem like a very scary decision, but by asking the right questions, you will be able to make the choices that are right for you.

One element of the process is to be aware of your school’s rules for subject choice – as well as what subjects are offered at your school from Grade 10.  Too often learners make decisions without knowing all the facts and rules of the school system they are operating within.

Whatever subjects you choose, it’s important to get good results.  Working hard and getting good marks will always give you more options in life.  The key is to choose subjects that are appropriate to the career you intend to follow and to try and keep your options open as your plans may change over time.

The process I run will get you to think about what you enjoy, what you’re good at and get you learning more about the world of work.  The more information and experiences you collect, the more confident you will be in making your subject choice decisions.