Month | TED Talk Title (hyperlink to the video) | Speaker | Kath’s comment
Jan 2025 | Do you really need to take 10,000 steps a day? | Shannon Odell | Happy new year to you all! If you are anything like me, you’ve started the year with all sorts of goals and promises to self to be healthier this year – ‘to walk in wellness’. I think the energy we get from a new calendar year is a gift, which we can leverage to refocus on what is important in our lives.
We have two crazy lovable rescues that need walking, which dovetails well with the ‘10 000’ steps a day goal. But if you battle to reach this 10 000 daily goal, watch this video to be reminded that any improvement is better than none. So take heart and walk your own personal journey to a healthier you this year. |
Dec 2024 | Can Vision Boards Work – Science for Brain Success | Donna Guerreros | As I did this time last year, I attended Denise Sohandev’s Vision Board Workshop on Saturday. Another magical experience where we took the time to pause on the cusp of a new year and think intentionally about what we want it to mean for us. This is perfect timing for me, as I prepare to move my practice to Hanya House and start a new phase of PIVOT Psychology in the new year. I am very excited!
One thing that we did slightly differently in the workshop this year was to talk about not just a Vision Board, but an Action Board as well. The Action Board helps us identify specific and tangible steps that will lead us in the direction we want to go – towards actualising our visions. If you have some FOMO about this workshop, the next Vision Board workshop will be held on 25 January 2025 – if you or anyone you know might want to join, please use or feel free to share this link Here’s to a magical festive season and a beautiful start to 2025! |
Nov 2024 | Architecture that’s built to heal | Michael Murphy | Architecture is more than a clever arrangement of bricks. In this eloquent talk, Michael Murphy shows how he and his team look far beyond the blueprint when they’re designing. Considering factors from airflow to light, theirs is a holistic approach that produces community as well as (beautiful) buildings.
We have at least one such building in White River – Hanya House – a place that is built to heal. Ryan and Rav have led the creation of something so special – a place of healing, nature and peace. Spaces for contemplation, meaningful movement and reconnection. I am beyond exciting to be moving my practice there in January, and look forward to what the new year has in store both for my clients as well as myself! |
Sept 2024 | How to Fall Back Asleep in the Middle of the Night (Fast) | Nurse Sarah Jeffries | Many of my clients battle with not getting enough sleep. Some by choice (mum!) and some because they battle to fall asleep, wake in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, or are early wakers (when they are wanting to sleep in). Whatever your challenge, it really is worth making an effort to get back into a healthy consistent sleep cycle, full of good quality and quantity of sleep.
This month’s video is especially for those that wake during the night and battle to get back to sleep. I find Sarah’s video informative, practical and useful. I hope you’ll try out her suggested strategies and see what works for you. So as we dive into Spring, remember Dov Davidhoff’s words: ‘Lack of sleep is only bad if you have to drive, or think, or talk, or move’! Wishing you a good night’s sleep!
Aug 2024 | Reduce Anxiety & Stress with the Physiological Sigh | Dr. Andrew Huberman | Breathwork is a term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing influences a person’s mental, emotional, and/or physical state, with a therapeutic effect.
For example, many of you would have heard of the Relaxing Breath – where whatever count you inhale for (e.g., 3), you double the exhale (e.g., 6) to experience a relaxing effect. Click here to try it out. Or perhaps you’ve heard of Box Breathing – which is used to become calm and focused. Excellent to use before or during a stressful time, like exams. Its name refers to the fact that a box has four sides, a concept represented here by breathing while you slowly count to four for a total of four times — four counts of breathing in, four counts of holding your breath, four counts of exhaling and four more counts of holding after your exhale. Click here to try it out for a one minute. Today, I want to introduce you to the Physiological Sigh. This controlled double inhalation followed by long exhalation lowers heart rate, calms the mind, and relieves stress in just 60 seconds. It’s a portable way to press pause on your day whenever you need. Dr Huberman has such a great way of explaining and demonstrating this technique. I hope you will enjoy this short video and also try out the other two techniques mentioned. It’s wonderful to have these tools available to us literally at our finger lung tips, to help us self-regulate when we need it most. Happy breathing! |
Mar 2024 | The Art of Paying Attention | Wendy MacNaughton | I have recently started adult art classes – and while it is often a highlight of my week, it’s also been really hard to let go of the inner critic, relax into the process, and enjoy the time to slow down, connect with my hidden inner creative, as well as the wonderful women I share that time with.
So this talk caught my attention. Wendy invites us all to slow down and look at the world around us. She believes drawing can spark deeply human, authentic connections. “Drawing is looking, and looking is loving,” she says. She believes drawing is an essential tool to help everyone — young and old — slow down, look closely and connect with one another. “If you slow down, pay attention and really look. You will fall back in love with the world and everyone in it.”
Feb 2024 | If anyone can figure out why I’m sad, please let me know! | Cassie Willson | I usually choose a topic about love for February #romanticatheart. But this month I thought I’d focus on self-care/ self-love. This short tiktok video is a funny take on taking ownership of one’s wellness. Cassie lists a few actions that touch on some of the core principles of wellness – you may have heard me talk about the five wellness buckets:
What I love about this video is that it highlights the practical and often very simple actions that we can take to invest in ourselves. I know that some days we win and some we lose, but it’s a useful reminder of the key things we need to build into our daily wellness routines. So why not make this month the month of ‘self’love?!
Jan 2024 | How to succeed? Get more sleep | Arianna Huffington | A 4-minute talk that is both profound and funny! Arianna Huffington – co-founder and former editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post – shares a small idea that can awaken much bigger ones: the power of a good night’s sleep.
If you’d like a more detailed talk about sleep, and how it is the bedrock of mental and physical health, please watch/re-watch my July 2019 Talk by Matt Walker who declares Sleep to by our Superpower. So as you race into 2024, remember Dov Davidhoff’s words: ‘Lack of sleep is only bad if you have to drive, or think, or talk, or move’!
Dec 2023 | How to Start a Gratitude Journal You’ll Actually Keep | Caren Hope | I’ve been thinking a lot about Gratitude this year, and for this December I decided to include a Gratitude Compilation to ease us all into the festive season – a season for connection, family and gratitude. In Caren’s talk she shares her insights on how to start a Gratitude Journal you’ll actually keep.
I want to add my ‘hot tip’ for this practice. A few years ago, I took a beautiful journal and divided it in 12 sections – labelling each section with the months of the year. I started a few years ago in the January section and wrote in it every few days – noting the date and 3 things I was grateful for and why. I really enjoyed this quick reflective time before going to sleep, and I can attest first hand to how it helps improve one’s quality of sleep. To be honest though, there would be weeks and sometimes even months that I’d forget or be too busy to write in it. But then I’d see it next to my bed and pick it up again – turning to whichever month I was currently in and adding my 3 things I was grateful for that day. The beauty about this ’12-part’ book, is that once I clocked one year – I didn’t throw the book away, but just started in January again, and this time, every time I note my gratitude I continue on the list of that month’s gratitude – I scan back to see what I was grateful for that month a year or two ago. It’s like gratitude with compound interest! I know that new year’s resolutions have a bad rep, but if there is one practice that I urge you to start in January it is the practice of gratitude. Read/watch on to realise the huge benefits that await you:
Nov 2023 | Draw your future | Patti Dobrowolski | It’s an excellent time of the year to start creating and clarifying your vision for next year (and beyond). I recently had the privilege of attending Denise Sohandev’s Vision Board Workshop. What a deep and special day, and I’m in love with the vision board I created. Each image I chose to include on my board is worth a 1 000 words! I found Patti’s talk on ‘drawing your future’ also shows the power a drawing can have – if steeped in meaning and connection to what matters most to you.
Whatever methodology works best for you, make sure you take some time for you, to realise what it is you need going forward. If you like the idea of being guided in your process, I highly recommend signing up for Denise’s next workshop in January via this link:
Oct 2023 | Got a meeting? Take a walk | Nilofer Merchant | Oh I love this! Short, sweet and to the point – so obvious. For years, my sister and I have been solving our own, each other’s and the worlds problems on our walks. Love our special time together. But I never thought of bringing this into the work space. Definitely one to put into action. Let ideas flow while you walk and talk.
Sep 2023 | Introducing the Time-Block Planner | Dr. Cal Newport | In June this year, I came across Cal Newport and his thoughts on ‘deep work’ and the effect of social media (see June 2023 talk of the month). I never sign up to things, but I found myself signing up to his monthly newsletter and have found his short monthly email to be practical, useful, short and insightful. I’ve learnt about his time blocking method which is said to double one’s productivity which appealed to the MBTI ‘J’ in me and also to my ‘work smarter not harder’ work ethic.
So here’s a short video on his Time-Block Planner. It is easy to use. Each day you fill out a time block grid with a preliminary plan that gives every minute a job. If you get knocked off this schedule, you simply update it the next time you get a chance. Next to the grid is a collection page – this is my favourite part – it’s a space to quickly capture tasks, ideas and notes to process later so that you don’t have to disrupt your current time block. And that’s all there is to it! I think his process is better than my current ‘what’s next’ approach! I don’t know about you, but I think it’s worth a try. |
Jul 2023 | The Art of Listening | Simon Sinek | We often talk about ‘listening to understand’ instead of ‘listening to respond’. Most of us listen with the intent to reply – and we are so focused on preparing our response (advice, points to an argument, opinion etc) that we forget to listen in the process.
The truth is that the art of listening is more than the act of hearing. It’s creating an environment in which the other person FEELS heard. This creates connection and trust. If we truly listen to someone else’s perspective, we can gain understanding and engage in more meaningful dialogue. Larry King once said, “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” We need to remember that we have two ears and one mouth – and to use them in that ratio in life! |
Jun 2023 | Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport |
Mmm, really good food for thought! For a while now I’ve been feeling more and more uneasy with my, and others, increasing use of social media and its effects. The research shows multiple, well-documented and significant cognitive and psychosocial harms. Are we losing the ability to sustain focused attention? I feel I am, are you? After ‘doom scrolling’ do you feel lonely, inadequate and anxious? The data says this and more. Add to that, the fact that most social media platforms are intentionally designed to be addictive. I really like Cal’s analogy of the slot machine. In his talk he shares some useful responses to our common reasons why we ‘can’t quit’. When I floated the idea of this talk with my 14yr old daughter, she said “We should all quit. Social media is more harmful than good”. I find it interesting that most of us feel this intuitive sense that it’s not good for us, but few of us do anything about it. Towards the end of the talk, Cal uses an image of a bench in an open landscape to explain what life without social media feels like. This image looked so beautiful to me – so peaceful and calming. I think we could all do with more of this in our current lifestyles! I hope you enjoy this talk, and can sustain the 14 minutes of focused attention to watch it right through to the end. |
Mar 2023 | The Greatest Showman’s “This Is Me” | Keala Settle |
Again I diverge from a TED Talk – this time to include a workshop session video of a song from the movie ‘The Greatest Showman’. Well worth a watch if you haven’t seen the movie yet. This stunning song, which carries such a wonderful message with such power and heart, never fails to move me. I think it’s the ‘behind the scenes’ nature of the video that I love so much. So many people in life, due to past trauma and/or current anxiety, try to make themselves smaller. They try to fly under the radar of life, to avoid the risk of living too loudly and being judged too harshly. I hope this song inspires you to be courageous and ‘be you’. And remember, courage is not the absence of fear. It is feeling afraid and doing it anyway. “This is me” encourages us to do just that – to embrace who we are and live an authentic life. So together let’s work at being present and not feeling overwhelmed or consumed by others’ expectations or opinions – it’s not always easy, but it is so worthwhile. I find a useful mantra to put things (and people’s opinions) into perspective is “People who mind, don’t matter. And people who matter, don’t mind”. |
Feb 2023 | The secret to desire in a long-term relationship | Esther Perel |
February – the month of love! Historically, I have always chosen a talk in the month of February that somehow links to relationships and love. This year is no different. I love Esther’s talks, and I’m willing to bet that you will learn something useful in this one. In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best friend and erotic partner. But as Esther Perel argues, good and committed sex draws on two conflicting needs: our need for security and our need for surprise. So how do you sustain desire? With wit and eloquence, Perel lets us in on the mystery of erotic intelligence. |
Oct 2022 | Shh! Sound health in 8 steps | Julian Treasure | Julian Treasure says our increasingly noisy world is gnawing away at our mental health — even costing lives. He lays out an 8-step plan to soften this sonic assault (starting with those cheap earbuds) and restore our relationship with sound. Let us learn to listen expansively and consciously – listening to understand and not just to respond.
I love listening to Julian, he is a Treasure ? If you enjoy this talk, he has a few more TED talks that are also excellent. Happy listening!
Aug 2022 | 5 Easy ways to stimulate the vagus nerve | Kati Morton | The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body. It comes from the Latin word, vagus, for “wandering.” That’s because it wanders throughout your body, with wide distribution connecting the brainstem to the body. The vagus nerve is a critical part of our parasympathetic nervous system.
In addition to controlling things like our heart rate, digestive tract, lung function, our ability to swallow, and even bladder control, it also affects our mental health. Stimulating it has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and even PTSD symptoms. I love Kati’s YouTube channel. I hope you enjoy this practical video where she teaches how to stimulate the vagus nerve.
July 2022 | An ER doctor on triaging your “crazy busy” life | Darria Long | How do doctors in the emergency room stay calm and focused amidst the chaos? Drawing on years of experience, ER doctor Darria Long shares a straightforward framework to help you take back control and feel less overwhelmed when life starts to get “crazy busy.”
She shares how to go from ‘crazy busy’ to ‘ready mode’ in three steps:
This is a life skill that, once learnt, will pay dividends for the rest of your life!
May 2022 | 13 Problems Only Highly Sensitive People Will Understand | Psych2Go | Do you consider yourself a deep thinker and feel things much more intensely than others? If you answered yes, then chances are you’re part of the 20% of people who are highly sensitive. Being a Highly Sensitive Person – or HSP – means that you are naturally predisposed to process and perceive information on a much deeper level than most.
You’re also likely perceptive, empathetic, intuitive, and self-aware. HSPs are usually emotionally intelligent and incredibly creative, passionate, people. As you can imagine, though, feeling and processing more intensely has some downsides. This video shows some common struggles that HSPs will really relate to. It is useful to identify if you are an HSP as you’ll be aware of your strengths and appreciate them more, and be more aware of the areas that you need to manage better. Remember, what we know we can manage. |
March 2022 | How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei | There are 3 components of trust – empathy, rigorous logic, and authenticity. Frances shares ready made prescriptions for when each of these ‘legs’ wobble. Her simple guidance to communicating logic with ‘the triangle that rocks’ is obvious and genius! But what I loved the most is how she addresses authenticity – this is pure gold.
“I hope that each person here has the beautiful luxury of representing difference in some context in your life. But with that privilege comes a very sincere temptation to hold back who we are, and if we hold back who we are, we’re less likely to be trusted.” Now that’s an idea worth sharing! |
February 2022 | How to start a movement | Derek Sivers | This is the shortest, punchiest TED Talk I’ve come across – which suits the shortest month of the year! They say dynamite comes in small packages, and this short talk is packed with excellent insights about leadership, followship and everything in between. Enjoy! |
January 2022 | My year of saying yes to everything | Shonda Rhimes | This TED talk reminded me of someone very close to me, someone I love so much. I would also describe her as a titan. So full of energy, creativity, drive and ‘the hum’. I think she also suffered burnout, like Shona – so this one’s for her xoxo
Shona decided to say yes to the question ‘momma, wanna play?’ She shares her journey from her broken ‘hum’ to how she found it again. She does it in the most beautiful, eloquent, poetic way. I love this talk, every word, and, at the start of this new year, it serves as an important reminder to pay attention, to be still, to be grateful, to be uninterrupted, to love and be loved, and to be mindful of the things that really matter. |
December 2021 | Let’s use video to reinvent education | Salman Khan | I think this talk received the longest standing ovation that I’ve ever seen at a TED Talk! At the end Bill Gates asks Sal a few questions and concludes with ‘Well it’s amazing, I think you’ve all just got a glimpse of the future of education’. So if you want to watch something revolutionary, a true game changer, please click the link!
By the end of the talk you’ll know what ‘learning for mastery’ means, or ’10 in a row’, and ‘flipping the classroom’. You’ll learn about how Sal Khan created the remarkable Khan Academy, a carefully structured series of educational videos offering complete curricula in math and, now, other subjects. You’ll also have access to a free resource that could be a game changer for your (or your kid’s) learning journey. I love this talk because it shows how talented, inspired and insightful people can revolutionise a field, and create massive value! How we can, and must, keep challenging the status quo, and how technology can be leveraged to have more connection time. |
November 2021 | Learning to be grateful can increase happiness | Dr. Ike Shibley |
As most of you know, I love love love the science of happiness and gratitude. And I enjoyed Dr Shibley’s talk about gratitude being the route to happiness. It’s true that we live with a lot of anxiety, and the research shows that one antidote is gratitude. He references Aristotle and ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ – a book currently on my bedside table. And, my favourite, he quotes a modern-day philosopher, Sheryl Crow: ‘It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.’ Ike encourages us to write a detailed, daily gratitude list. So, if you want to be happier, the power is in your hands, and in your pen. |
October 2021 | POMODORO TECHNIQUE – My Favourite Tool to Improve Studying and Productivity | Med School Insiders |
“When the Jacaranda’s fall, it’s exam time for all” – is a saying my daughter made up years ago. And so, if you look around, you’ll realise that exams are not far away. Many people battle with exam stress, so this month I thought I’d highlight the Pomodoro Technique (named after the Italian’s tomato-shaped timer). A simple study technique which can improve your productivity and in turn decrease your stress levels. The technique is based on the data that shows that our concentration wanes after 20-30 minutes. This technique uses this information to ‘reset’ your concentration levels, thereby allowing you to work smarter, not harder. In addition, the Pomodoro Technique helps you resist all of those self-interruptions and re-train your brains to focus. Each pomodoro is dedicated to one task and each break is a chance to reset and bring your attention back to what you should be working on. Go on, try it out. What have you got to lose? |
September 2021 | How to make hard choices | Ruth Chang | Who’s up for a good think, a philosophical journey with great practical value?
Here’s a talk that could literally change your life. Which career should I choose? Should I break up — or get married?! Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonizingly difficult. But that’s because we think about them the wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang. She offers a powerful new framework for shaping who we truly are. Ruth says “Far from being sources of agony and dread, hard choices are precious opportunities for us to celebrate what is special about the human condition, that the reasons that govern our choices as correct or incorrect sometimes run out, and it is here, in the space of hard choices, that we have the power to create reasons for ourselves to become the distinctive people that we are. And that’s why hard choices are not a curse but a godsend.” So embrace the tough decisions and exercise the opportunity to become who you want to be. |
August 2021 | Name it to Tame it | Dr Dan Siegel | Dan Siegel is one of my gurus. I love his work and I especially love how he makes complicated neuroscience accessible and understandable to us all.
In this short video he shares two steps to help us help someone (child or adult) who is experiencing intense emotions. Using his ‘handy brain model’ he explains how we must first
Dan explains how this process is working at a biological level by “squirting soothing neurotransmitters” in the brain. So when your ‘downstairs brain’ is feeling overwhelmed, anxious or fearful, use your ‘upstairs brain’ to calm it down. Such an important life hack for us all to know and use – especially during these challenging times. |
July 2021 | Stress Bucket |
So many of us are dealing with high stress levels, resulting in high cortisol in our bodies. This is not good for us on a long-term basis. To bring these levels down, it is helpful to know about the ‘stress bucket’ analogy. This video uses the bucket analogy to give an understanding of the various sources and effects of stress and coping skills we can use to better regulate stress. What is the size of your bucket? What ‘false taps’ do you use? What healthy coping mechanisms can you add to keep the water at a healthy level? During this level 4 lockdown, please make a real effort to ‘Keep Calm and Stay Safe’. |
June 2021 | Kiss your brain: The science of gratitude | Christina Costa | The theme and power of gratitude continues!
Christina, a psychology instructor and researcher, has long studied, taught and believed in the healing aspects of practising gratitude. In her talk, she shares putting the theory into practise as she lives with (doesn’t fight with) a brain tumour. Such a real and human talk. Loving your body doesn’t have to be conditional and we can use our brains to build resilience. So… go ahead, ‘kiss your brain’ and thank it for all it does for you. Harness the power of gratitude. |
May 2021 | How to Do a Gratitude Journal | Paul Strobl |
I’m deviating from my usual TED Talk format, as I want to share a practical video about how and why you should start practicing gratitude. Gratitude works its magic by serving as an antidote to negative emotions. It’s like white blood cells for the soul, lowering our stress levels, improving our quality of sleep, and helping us focus on what is really important in life. Shawn Achor (my Sept 2017 Aha moment) shares how getting people to write down three new things each day that they’re grateful for can change so much. And at the end of 21 consecutive days, the brain starts to retain a pattern of scanning the world not for the negative, but for the positive first. So choose a special notebook and adopt an attitude of gratitude! |
April 2021 | Say your truths and seek them in others | Elizabeth Lesser |
In a lyrical, unexpectedly funny talk about heavy topics such as frayed relationships and the death of a loved one, Elizabeth Lesser describes the healing process of putting aside pride and defensiveness to make way for soul-baring and truth-telling. Her 3 foundational and guiding lessons are:
“You don’t have to wait for a life-or-death situation to clean up the relationships that matter to you,” she says. Elizabeth gently encourages us to become braver about being authentic with the people in our lives, so say our truths, but more importantly, to seek out the truths of others. |
March 2021 | How to get better at the things you care about | Eduardo Briceno | A client of mine (you know who you are ?) has just started a new job – and is in the throws of the exciting stressful time of finding her feet. It reminded me of Eduardo’s talk which covers the difference between the Learning and the Performance zones. It also explains so clearly why we feel stressed when we are doing a new task or job, when expectations for professionalism or expertise are high. The table below is a good summary of the key features of these two zones.
Understanding what zone one is in, or expected to be in, can go a long way towards curbing that anxiety and freeing you to do what you need to do. Eduardo encourages us to consider “What would happen if, instead of just learning or performing, we also focus on exploring, asking, listening, experimenting, reflecting, striving and becoming?” So here’s to becoming.
February 2021 | The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown | Perhaps you are one for the 52 million people who have already viewed Brené Brown’s talk on the power of vulnerability. She studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. Connection is our life force, and we are more aware of this now, more than ever, with our current social distancing during the covid pandemic. I wish the phrase was ‘physical distancing with social connection’ instead of ‘social distancing’.
Brené encourages us to stop numbing ourselves, to let ourselves be seen, love with our whole hearts, practice gratitude and lean in to joy. And most importantly to believe we are enough. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares deep insights from her research, that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share, especially in February. Let’s make it the month of connection.
January 2021 | My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | I thought it apt to start 2021 with an amazing and inspirational talk which combines hope, a beautifully positive attitude, an appreciation for loved ones and amazing perseverance.
Some notable quotes from Sam are: “Be OK with what you ultimately can’t do, because there is so much you CAN do.” “Surround yourself with people you want to be around.” “I don’t ignore when I’m feeling badly. I kind of accept it, I let it in so I can acknowledge it and do what I need to do to move past it.’ ‘Being brave isn’t supposed to be easy, but it’s the key way to keep moving forward.’ Imagine the world if we all had his perspective. My wish for you for the New Year is that we are all able to channel Sam and his philosophy for a happy life, that we dig deep, that we are brave and that we love fiercely and keep moving forward. |
December 2020 | The science of vacation | Ian Cole | As we come to the end of this crazy, life changing year, I think a lot of us are feeling emotional and physically exhausted – as if we’ve run a collective marathon. It struck me how important it is for us all to take a breather. To consciously and intentionally relax and celebrate life.
I remember, some time ago, reading about how holidays (staycations included) are the best investment in happiness. Ian captures this sentiment and more in his talk today. Not only do you have the sweet anticipation of time off, we obviously get to enjoy the actual holiday, and interestingly our memories of a holiday are enhanced over time. It’s a win-win-win situation. So use Ian’s formula to make the most of your downtime this festive season: Anticipation + relaxation + capitalisation = maximum vacation happiness! |
November 2020 | How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | Do you suffer from extreme anxiety or worry excessively? If yes, you are not alone. 1 in 14 people suffer from some type of anxiety disorder. The good news is that you can overcome it. Olivia gives 3 excellent coping resources that can empower you to free yourself. Gold nuggets for me include:
With exams about to start, please consider sharing this with someone you know who battles with anxiety. It may make a world of difference. |
October 2020 | Loss and found | Corrie Sirota | Corrie is acutely aware of how most people would love to have a “quick fix” when it comes to grieving. In her talk, through her genuine compassion and profound insight into human nature, she helps us transform the way we experience grief. She also offers invaluable tools for individuals and families in learning how to find life, and hope, after loss. This talk is dedicated to Milo xoxo |
September 2020 | There’s more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith | Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there’s a more fulfilling path? Happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life — serving something beyond yourself and developing the best within you — gives you something to hold onto.
Learn more about the difference between being happy and having meaning as Emily offers four pillars of a meaningful life: Belonging, Purpose, Transcendence and Storytelling. As a narrative therapist, I just love the 4th pillar and her whole talk. I hope you will too! |
August 2020 | When is a pandemic over? | Alex Rosenthal | I know we have all been bombarded with so much information about COVID over the recent months, that I hesitate to include something Covid-related in my TED talk of the month. But we’re in August and I remember reading somewhere that experts expect to see the pandemic peak in South Africa around September – so I know I’m interested to learn more about ‘when is a pandemic over’.
Alex Rosenthal details the three main strategies governments can use to contain and end a pandemic. I found it a useful message – short and sweet. It is also a reminder that ‘this too shall pass’, and we will be able to hug freely again! |
July 2020 | The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | Dr Lucy Hone is a resilience expert who gives a powerful and courageous talk, sharing three strategies that got her through an unimaginable tragedy—and offers a profound insight on human suffering. In a time where we may be faced, or currently facing, grief – Lucy shows a path through the pain. Her talk really resonated with me on a deep level, and I hope you will find it equally meaningful and useful.
For those wanting to revisit her three strategies:
June 2020 | The simple power of handwashing | Myriam Sidibe | Handwashing with soap is a global focus during this Covid-19 time. Myriam’s talk back in 2014 is prophetic as she talks about soaps role to play during a pandemic. For a cost-effective prevention against sickness, it’s hard to beat soapy handwashing, which also cuts down risk of pneumonia, diarrhoea, cholera and more. With everyone currently improving their handwashing habits, let us hope it is a habit that sticks. And that it helps us not only in the battle against Covid, but also with a myriad of other illnesses. Interesting to think that the worlds best invention in health could be so simple and cost effect. Happy handwashing! |
May 2020 | Why we laugh | Sophie Scott | A month of lockdown, done and dusted. We are all wondering how long this can go on for. Social media paints a negative and depressing picture – which often makes one wonder ‘should I laugh, or should I cry?’ The answer is definitively – you should laugh.
Why? Because laughter boosts our immunity, lowers stress hormones, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles, prevents heart disease, adds joy and zest to life, eases anxiety and tension, relieves stress, improves mood, strengthens resilience, strengthens relationships, attracts others to us, enhances teamwork, helps defuse conflict and promotes group bonding (virtual or in person)! Sophie Scott, a cognitive neuroscientist, shares surprising facts about laughter in this fast-paced, action-packed and, yes, hilarious dash through the science of the topic. I especially enjoyed the last minute of her talk where she says: ‘If we can laugh together, we’re going to get through this. We’re going to be okay’. |
April 2020 | Change Your Breath, Change Your Life | Lucas Rockwood | On the eve of our first week in lockdown, I know that we are all experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions – oscillating between feelings of uncertainty and panic, feeling overwhelmed by the media, and trying to keep a semblance of structure in our homes and with our kids. While the whole world focuses primarily on our physical health, it’s also really important to look after our mental health, starting with our elevated anxiety levels.
One simple and accessible way to bring down your anxiety levels is to focus on our breathing. Lucas, a yoga teacher, explains three breathing techniques in an engaging, clear and concise way. You don’t have to know the history or technical terminology, just the knowledge in a clear digestible form. So my challenge is to use ‘water’ breathing when you need balance, and ‘whiskey’ breathing when trying to fall asleep (or fall back to sleep) – make it a key part of your lockdown routine. Do it whenever you feel a jolt of panic or adrenalin and feel the immediate calming benefits. Keep well and stay safe. |
March 2020 | I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here’s why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper | I usually don’t select religion-related talks, but this one caught my eye. Megan speaks beautifully and powerfully about the power of hate, but the even greater power of love.
Love which manifests in not assuming bad intent, lots of honest questions, staying calm and making the argument. Add forgiveness, giving others the benefit of the doubt, and the power of seeing each other as human beings. What a winning combination. These lessons are applicable to any conflict situation – a place alive with possibility. I think this is a talk for everyone everywhere. |
February 2020 | Good boundaries free you | Sarri Gilman | “All of us are in the middle of a life story, and our story is being shaped by what we say ‘yes’ to and ’no’ to everyday” says Sarri. Who battles to say ‘no’? Who feels guilty disappointing others when you say ‘no’ to their requests? Identifying, communicating and defending your personal boundaries is crucial to lead a meaningful life. Sarri encourages us to listen to our inner compass. And especially in times of extra pressure or challenge we need to: 1. Increase our selfcare. 2. Reach out and build a web of resources and 3. Choose your responsibilities and limit your time during a challenge. Learn to say ‘no’ with kindness and conviction! |
January 2020 | Say your truth and seek them in others | Elizabeth Lesser | I was looking for a special TED talk to start this auspicious new year – 2020! And then I found Elizabeth’s talk. Wow, what a gift. Incredible how she deals with some heavy topics which such grace and gentle humour. I love the way she applies earlier learnings in her life (Uncover your soul, stay open even/especially when in pain, step into ‘Deep time’) to a more recent life phase and challenge. I love her lessons and I wish for all of us this year to have the bravery to do some soul-bearing and truth-telling. Wishing you all a magical 2020! |
December 2019 | Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert | I have always been fascinated by people with amazing creativity. It seems so ethereal to me, so I just loved discovering Elizabeth’s talk. She’s the writer of the bestselling novel ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses. She shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person “being” a genius, all of us “have” a genius. It’s a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk. Please share this with any artists you know, as well as your artist within! |
November 2019 | The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health | Julia Rucklidge | In this critically important talk, clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge explores a range of scientific research, including her own, showing the significant role played by nutrition in mental health or illness. It is such an eye opener, and judging from all the comments, it’s a controversial area that people feel very passionate about. What I love is that it puts a lot of power back into our own hands to manage our health in a more natural, holistic way. Thank you Nasreen for sharing this with me. |
October 2019 | The gift and power of emotional courage | Susan David | A beautiful talk by a South African speaker. Susan speaks about the need for greater levels of emotional agility for true resilience and thriving. How there is no such thing as a negative or bad emotion – how we are caught up in ‘a tyranny of positivity’ which leaves us with rigid responses. ‘Do you have dead people’s goals?’ she asks. She encourages us to embrace all our emotions. Tough emotions are part of our contract with life. Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life. She also stresses that our emotions are data – not directives. We own our emotions they don’t own us. I found this talk deeply insightful – I hope you’ll enjoy it too. |
September 2019 | Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little | Wouldn’t you like to know how you are like all other people, like some other people, and like no other person? Brian Little is a professor at Cambridge focused on personality psychology. He gives a great summary of some personality research, and does it with grace, humour and insight. Enjoy getting to know yourself a little better. |
August 2019 | How to ask for help – and get a ‘Yes’ | Heidi Grant | Do you battle to ask for help when you need it? If yes, this TED talk is for you! Asking for help is tough. But to get through life, you have to do it all the time. So how do you get comfortable asking? In this actionable talk, Heidi Grant shares four simple rules for asking for help and getting it — while making the process more rewarding for your helper, too. Think of that ‘warm and fuzzy feeling’ you get when you help someone – it can be a win-win situation! |
July 2019 | Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker | This title caught my eye because I – like most people – am fascinated by sleep. I’ve always known about the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep, and that not getting good rest ‘pulls the rug out from under our feet’ – physically and emotionally. But I wasn’t quite aware of how bad it is for us if we don’t get our 8hrs.
I hope you enjoy Matt’s talk – he communicates his insights so clearly. And most importantly, the great news is that we can all take practical steps today to improve our sleep and our health. Sleep well! |
June 2019 | You are contagious | Vanessa Van Edwards | So here’s a key question – if you are contagious, what are you infecting others with? Is it optimism, excitement, gratitude, hope, or is it anxiety, disappointment, sadness and fear? I have been following Vanessa for some time and I love her YouTube clips – so I was delighted to see her TED Talk. She’s an expert on body language and science-based social skills. I find her research fascinating and her style engaging! I trust you’ll enjoy this jam-packed talk. |
May 2019 | Measuring what makes life worthwhile | Chip Conley | Chip starts out by telling us that we need to look back to our first lessons, when we learned to count, and rather question what we count, because ‘what we count really counts’. He encourages us to start measuring the important stuff, the intangible. Consider an alternative definition of success and learn about Gross National Happiness (GNH). Ask yourself about your ‘habitat of happiness’. This talk is a gem – thank you to Gogo Mo for sharing Chip’s talk with me. |
April 2019 | The skill of self-confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | This is a wonderful talk about how to build self-confidence. I love Ivan’s approach to self-confidence – that it is a skill that can be developed. Through persistence, repetition and positive self-talk. This is so empowering. “I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate”. Stay away from the people who tear you down. How about writing your self-confidence letter? |
March 2019 | Kate Groch & Good Work Foundation at TEDInstitute 2013 | Kate Groch | We have recently celebrated World NGO day and it is my incredible privilege to be involved with the Good Work Foundation based in Hazyview, Mpumalanga. Kate is an inspiration to me every day, as are the 115 (and growing) staff who get to do ‘great’ work everyday through GWF. If anyone wants a ‘good news story’ to lift your spirits, look no further. Better yet, if you’re in the area and want to see it for yourself, feel free to pop by and be part of the #Education Revolution! |
February 2019 | How I hacked online dating | Amy Webb | February – the month of love, so I like to post a talk about love or relationships. This talk by Amy intrigued me, and I’m a sucker for a good love story. I think a key message of hers is to really know what is important to you in a partner and relationship. As she says ‘feel free to be picky’. Once you know what you are looking for, it makes it so much easier to identify it when you see it. Happy hacking! |
January 2019 | A kinder gentler philosophy of success | Alain de Botton | Happy New Year to you all! The end of a year, beginning of a new one, always gives people pause to assess their lives a little bit. I’m sure that, like me, you’ve been asked about your new year’s resolutions. Maybe you make them, maybe you don’t – but I think you’ll all enjoy Alain’s talk which looks at our ideas of success and failure – as he questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure? He’s witty and eloquent and makes a case for us to move beyond snobbery to find true pleasure in our work. Wishing you a wonderful 2019 full of the things that mean the most to you. |
Month | TED Talk Title (hyperlink to the video) | Speaker | Kath’s comment
December 2018 | Less stuff, more happiness | Graham Hill | With Black Friday just behind us and Christmas fast approaching, I’m sure you’ve also been faced with consumerism on steroids. The compulsion to buy, buy, buy! Well, I have some news that I hope will set you free. Less stuff actually leads to greater happiness, less debt, more freedom and less stress. In this short talk Graham shares an age-old but recently resurfacing philosophy – minimalism. In a nutshell, it’s about intentionally trying to live with only the things one really needs. If you like this short talk, I highly recommend the Netflix document ‘Minimalism’ Wishing you a festive season full of the things that matter to you most! |
November 2018 | Rethinking infidelity … a talk for anyone who has ever loved | Esther Perel | This is an excellent talk for anyone who has ever cheated or been cheated on, or who simply wants a new framework for understanding relationships. I feel her every sentence is loaded with insights and opportunity for learning. I love how she ends her talk in the last 20 seconds by saying ‘all of us are going to have 2-3 relationships or marriages – and some of us will do this with the same person’. Powerful stuff! |
October 2018 | The little risks you can take to increase your luck | Tina Seelig | Do you think you can increase your luck? Tina shows us that ‘Luck’ is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic — it’s much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Catching more of it is easy but not obvious. In this insightful talk, Stanford engineering school professor Tina Seelig shares three unexpected ways to increase your luck — and your ability to see and seize opportunities. |
September 2018 | I’ve lived as a man & a woman — here’s what I learned | Paula Stone Williams | I found Paula’s talk engaging, funny and insightful. She shares insights from experiencing both ‘sides’ of the gender continuum. Her most valuable gift to me was her line: ‘the call towards authenticity is sacred, it’s holy, it’s for the greater good’. I have such admiration for people who live their truth, against all odds. It also makes one really think about “what we don’t know about what we don’t know” – being willing to listen and being willing to honour another’s journey. |
August 2018 | How to stop swiping and find your person on dating apps | Christina Wallace | I’m sure that, like me, you have some gorgeous single friends who entertain you with their stories of online dating (you know who you are ?). I so enjoyed this TED talk and thought that Christina’s strategy and insights should be shared. I know if I was single, I’d be all over this!
I could have kept this one for February, but that’s just way too far away. Who knows… if you’re single and follow Christina’s advice, perhaps you’ll have found ‘your person’ by then. If you try it out, be sure to let me know how it goes! |
July 2018 | Inside the fight against Russia’s fake news empire | Olga Yurkova | This is a slight deviation from my normal type of TED Talk, but a really interesting and important topic for all of us. Especially given the times we live in and the growth of the fake news phenomenon. How do you identify ‘fake news’? Are you aware how prevalent it is? Olga, in her beautiful Ukrainian accent, packs so much value into this 5 min video. A must watch! |
June 2018 | Where joy hides and how to find it | Ingrid Fetell Lee | I have always been fascinated by creative people, and here we have a creative person fascinated by joy. What causes it, where it lives and how to find it. And the wonderful thing is, that once you know what you’re looking for, you’re much more likely to see it, find it, and feel it. |
May 2018 | How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch | I love Guy’s quiet way as he speaks the truth about emotional well-being, and how we often neglect our ‘personal emotional hygiene’. He touches on important issues like loneliness, rejection, failure, low self-esteem and battling negative thinking and gives some practical ways for us to build our emotional wellness – which in turn helps us to thrive. How would you fair in an annual general psychological check-up? |
April 2018 | The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki | If you’re in the midst of the Easter chocolate binge – then this talk is for you. Need some motivation to get moving?
Want to transform your brain today? Protect your brain from Depression, Dementia and Alzheimers. Make yourself more resilient and healthier. Boost your mood and memory! Yes, Wendy does get quite technical about the brain – but we’ll forgive her – she is a neuroscientist after all. But watch right to the end as she gets people moving! See you at the gym!! |
March 2018 | Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson | With almost 50 million views of Sir Robinson’s fabled 2006 talk, I’m not alone in thinking this one of TEDs best talks! Some sound bites include, ‘If you don’t know… have a go’ and ‘Forget your fear of being wrong, and risk being original.’ I also just love his sense of humour!
Perhaps you’re one of the 50 million previous viewers, but have you seen his ‘follow up’ talk 4 years later called ‘Bring on the revolution’ where he starts ‘As I was saying…’ A knight to watch tonight! |
February 2018 | Are you a giver or a taker? | Adam Grant | As we enter the international month of love, do you consider yourself to be a giver or a taker? A gem in Adam’s talk is the idea of the ‘5-minute favour’ and I just love the idea of ‘Pronoia’ – of plotting people’s wellbeing! |
January 2018 | The future we’re building — and boring | Elon Musk (interviewed by Chris Anderson, TED’s Head Curator) | As 2017 comes to a close and we look forward to 2018, I want to share this TED talk with Elon Musk with you. Talk about having a vision for the future – and things to get excited about!
I know it’s longer than most TED talks, but if you’re like me, you can’t get enough of Elon! I love the way he tackles/ignores boundaries and “can’t possibly’s” – and rather tackles the ‘how’ and ‘how long’, quantifying his dreams to guide them to a new reality. The fact that he’s South African is the cherry on the top! Happy New Year to you all. Wishing you a visionary 2018 and lots of fun on the way to your dreams! |
Month | TED Talk Title (hyperlink to the video) | Speaker | Kath’s comment
December 2017 | Try something new for 30 days | Matt Cutts | Within days we are relocating to my home town, and I am so excited! Dealing with change is an emotional rollercoaster, scary but also loads of fun – and we feel very alive! Matt’s short talk reminds me that one doesn’t have to make huge ‘relocation’ changes to learn, grow and feel alive. What have you always wanted to try? Why not use the last 30 days of 2017 to try it out. |
November 2017 | 10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee | I love this straightforward practical guide to becoming more conversationally competent. Would you like to connect with people better, be present and make people feel deeply understood? Always remember you have something to learn. Listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to respond. Do this and be prepared to be amazed! |
October 2017 | How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | I was pretty sceptical when I saw the title of this talk. How could one know your life purpose in 5 minutes – impossible! But grab a pen and paper and hold onto your hat, as Adam packs a punchy, eye-opening 5 question process into 10 minutes that will take you places! I can’t wait for the next person to ask me ‘so what do you do’… |
September 2017 | The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor | In Shawn’s fast-paced and funny talk – he challenges us to focus on the positive, on being an outlier – a ‘weirdo’. He says, ‘it’s the lens through which we view the world that shapes us – and if we can change the lens, we can change our reality.’ He packs so many great, practical and manageable suggestions into the last 5 minutes – I dare you to start doing just one. I just love love love the science of happiness! |
August 2017 | What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger | They say hindsight is 20/20 – so benefit from the insights of this amazing longitudinal study and create your best life. The punchline? Good close relationships make us happier and healthier. |
July 2017 | Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss | I really like the way Tim changes my perspective here – his ‘fear setting’ technique is logical, practical and useful – helping one assess options of action and inaction. It makes me think of Roosevelt’s quote “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. |
June 2017 | The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh | Oh wow. I did not expect this one to be so good! I feel like I need to re-watch this every week to motivate me to ‘be me’. How inspiring to focus on being ourselves, in all our unique glory – larger than life. It isn’t always easy, hence the title ‘THE ART of being yourself’ – but what a worthwhile journey… to ‘swallow the moon’. |
May 2017 | A new plan for anxious feelings: escape the custard! | Neil Hughes | Neil takes on the anxiety-provoking task of delivering a TED Talk to model and share how to deal with anxiety! I find his bravery, insight, humour and practical suggestions on how to deal with ‘custard’ – fantastic. |
April 2017 | ‘How to use a paper towel’ | Joe Smith | This short and amusing talk has an April Fool’s Day quality to me – but isn’t it amazing how such a simple thing (that we can all do easily every day) could change the face of our forests and planet. So please remember to ‘Shake’ and ‘Fold’! |
March 2017 | Grit: The power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth | I love the word ‘Grit’ – meaning courage and resolve – it sounds tough and unyielding as it escapes between the teeth. What struck me about this talk, is that you can only really show grit when the chips are down. Your strength of character, passion and perseverance doesn’t always shine through when it’s plain sailing. So the next time you hit a roadblock on your path, reframe it as an opportunity to show your grit! |
February 2017 | Love — you’re doing it wrong | Yann Dall’Aglio | February, the month of love. I just love this TED talk, in part because of his gorgeous French accent, but for the most part, because we could all do with a bit more tenderness. |
January 2017 | Why some people find exercise harder than others | Emily Balcetis | Happy 2017! If you are like so many who start the year with new year’s resolutions, only to have them dashed by the end of January – you may enjoy this talk. So wishing you a wonderful year ahead with clear vision and SMART goals. And remember to… “keep your eyes on the prize”. |
Month | TED Talk Title (hyperlink to the video) | Speaker | Kath’s comment
December 2016 | How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal | As we head into one of the most wonderful but stressful times of the year, I thought rethinking how we feel about stress would add some time to our lives. |
November 2016 | Your body language shapes who you are | Amy Cuddy | I love the idea that something as simple as power poses – accessible to all – can change the course of an event, a speech, or perhaps even a proposal. |
October 2016 | How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure | For Julian’s mother, in honour of October. I feel he has mastered the art of speaking – so smooth, so simple, so clear. |