Sept 2021
How to make hard choices
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Ruth Chang
Who’s up for a good think, a philosophical journey with great practical value?
Here’s a talk that could literally change your life. Which career should I choose? Should I break up — or get married?! Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonizingly difficult. But that’s because we think about them the wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang. She offers a powerful new framework for shaping who we truly are.
Ruth says “Far from being sources of agony and dread, hard choices are precious opportunities for us to celebrate what is special about the human condition, that the reasons that govern our choices as correct or incorrect sometimes run out, and it is here, in the space of hard choices, that we have the power to create reasons for ourselves to become the distinctive people that we are. And that’s why hard choices are not a curse but a godsend.” So embrace the tough decisions and exercise the opportunity to become who you want to be.
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