Thrive through change

Feb 2024

If anyone can figure out why I’m sad, please let me know!

If anyone can figure out why I’m sad, please let me know!

Cassie Willson

I usually choose a topic about love for February #romanticatheart. But this month I thought I’d focus on self-care/ self-love.  This short tiktok video is a funny take on taking ownership of one’s wellness.  Cassie lists a few actions that touch on some of the core principles of wellness – you may have heard me talk about the five wellness buckets:

  1. Eat well
  2. Sleep well
  3. Move well
  4. Connect well
  5. Stress well

What I love about this video is that it highlights the practical and often very simple actions that we can take to invest in ourselves.  I know that some days we win and some we lose, but it’s a useful reminder of the key things we need to build into our daily wellness routines.  So why not make this month the month of ‘self’love?!


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