Thrive through change


So you’ve retired.  Are you ‘happily retired’ or would you even admit to others that you’re retired?  Many people, especially Type A achievers, really battle to walk away from their ‘work’ lives – from their job titles and the sense of enjoyment and accomplishment they received in their jobs.  Being at home fulltime, where previously there were many hours spent at the office, can often result in unforeseen dynamics in the home and unexpected pressure in relationships.

One begins to realise that adapting to retirement is possibly one of the greatest career challenges of your life.  Successfully redefining oneself as ‘granny or gramps’ instead of a CEO/accountant is infinitely more difficult than going from junior clerk to Managing Director.

Depending on your unique situation, our time together may focus on developing: a positive attitude towards retirement, a clear vision of the kind of life you want, a healthy approach to mental and physical aging, a balanced approach to leisure, an active social network, and nurturing family and personal relationships.