Individual Therapy
Embarking on a journey of discovery in therapy takes courage and a willingness to work hard to be able to lead one’s best life. Therapy is the opportunity where you come with all that you know about yourself and we...
Embarking on a journey of discovery in therapy takes courage and a willingness to work hard to be able to lead one’s best life. Therapy is the opportunity where you come with all that you know about yourself and we...
When our children are experiencing difficulties, it can be challenging to know how to help. Psychotherapy allows young people a chance to discover a safe space where they can explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviours without feeling judged. The aim...
Working with couples, means working with each individual’s range of experiences and perspectives as well as the shared experiences they have had as a couple. Couples therapy can create a safe and contained space where the couple can explore what...
People are at the heart and soul of each organisation. Use psychology to better understand your staff, teams and company dynamics. This will allow for growth, development and sustainability of the organisation as a whole, and the individuals within it. ...